Designing Quality in Interaction theory

/ Abstract / The primacy of perception towards interaction is the main focus of this workshop, proposing an approach to effectively taking it into consideration in the design process.

Course taught in English for the master degree (5ects) at TU/e, The Netherlands by the later Kees Overbeeke, Philip Mendels, Jelle Stienstra, Jeroen Peeters, Teun Vinken, Pierre Lévy (organiser), Caroline Hummels, Stephan Wensveen, Miguel Bruns Alonso, Joep Frens, Philip Ross, Oscar Tomico Plasencia, and Eva Deckers.

Designing Quality in Interaction theory poster Kees and Caroline, making and discussing the DQI theory poster

In this two-week workshop, theories of interaction design are explained and explored through applications. The DQI approach to Interaction Design is theory informed. This means that theory inspires and even guides the way we look at interaction, and the way we design for interaction and experience.

/ Topics /
  • Phenomenology and experience (Merlau-Ponty and Dewey)
  • Gibsonian theory of perception
  • Models of interaction: Interaction Frogger
  • Resonance
  • Rich Interaction
  • Societal Design
  • Craftsmanship

These theories, philosophies and models will be explained first and then explored in a series of interaction designs, i.e. practical applications.
