Pierre Lévy, HDR

First names
Pierre Denis

Current situation

Since 2021
Member of the Department of Innovation - EPN16 (2021 - 2024) L'Équipe Pédagogique Nationale Innovation (EPN16) du CNAM propose des formations liées au management, à l'innovation, au design et à la création, à la prospective, aux techniques et sociétés, etc
Member of the Department of Informatics and Computer Science - EPN05 (since 2024) L'Équipe Pédagogique Nationale Innovation (EPN16) du CNAM propose des formations liées au management, à l'innovation, au design et à la création, à la prospective, aux techniques et sociétés, etc
Researcher at Dicen-IDF laboratory (EA 7339) (since 2021) Laboratory Unit on Information and Communication Dispositives in the Digital Age
Responsible for the Master Design (since 2021) - The objective of this Master's degree is to train creators (designers and artisans) to set up their professional project and to reshape their design practice in a prospective manner, by integrating continuously redefined societal, cultural and technical evolutions Editorial Advisory Board member of the JHTR (since 2022) - The Journal of Human-Technology Relations investigates human-technology relations from a wide variety of disciplines, with a basis in the Philosophy of Technology and in Science and Technology Studies Elected member of the Education Council (Conseil des formations) (since 2022) - The Education Council of Cnam determines and implements Cnam's training offer. Coordinator of the DNMADe pedagogical committee chairmanships for the Academy of Paris (since 2022) - The Education Committee decides on the organisation of the course and how students are assessed. It also meets as a jury to validate teaching units, internships and students' semester results. Responsible for the topic Arts, Design and Society at the Doctoral School Abbé Grégoire (ED 546) (since 2022) - Cette spécialité s’inscrit à la fois dans la tradition multiséculaire du CNAM autour des métiers d’arts et techniques, de la conception et de l’innovation, de la culture et de la création, et dans l’évolution contemporaine de ces domaines liée à l’attention grandissante portée sur l’innovation sociale et écologique en France et à l’international. Member of the pedagogical and scientific committees off the School of Ecological Transitions at Cnam (since 2024) - The School of Ecological Transitions offers high-level expertise on the challenges of ecological transition and sustainable development, as well as a multi-disciplinary training program. Correspondant scientifique du projet ANR EXCELLENCES 'ConflucES' pour le Cnam (since 2024) - Cette spécialité s’inscrit à la fois dans la tradition multiséculaire du CNAM autour des métiers d’arts et techniques, de la conception et de l’innovation, de la culture et de la création, et dans l’évolution contemporaine de ces domaines liée à l’attention grandissante portée sur l’innovation sociale et écologique en France et à l’international.

Professional experiences

2023 - 2024
Vice-president - HESAM Université, France
Member of the Steering Committee of the Post-master in Architecture research - HESAM Université at ENSAPLV (since 2023) - This post-master's program is a post-graduate course preparing students to enroll in a doctorate in architecture, or to enter new fields of practice in architecture, urban planning and landscape design. The aim of this transitional year is to learn how to produce a research dissertation. Member of Doctoral College Board of HESAM Université (2023-2024) - Le Collège doctoral est l’instance interne d’HESAM Université, qui fédère les structures volontaires concourant à la formation doctoral: l'École doctorale Abbé-Grégoire (ED 546) et l'École doctorale Sciences des Métiers de l'Ingénieur, SMI (ED 432). Member of the Strategic Committee of the Compagnons du Devoir's Executive Master in Project (since 2023) - The aim is to train multi-technology project managers in the associated technologies trades: electrical engineering, mechanics and tooling and precision mechanics, to enable them to move into management positions. Member of the Steering Committee of NCU - HESAM 2030 (since 2023) - The 'HESAM 2030 - Construisons nos Métiers!' program aims to roll out new, 1-year and 3-year modular diplomas, open to all, with priority given to vocational and technological baccalaureate holders, and adaptable to everyone, everywhere and throughout life.
Mentor of the industrial chair Designing decision at CY école de design, Framce (since 2024) Member of the jury for the agrégation for craft and design (since 2022)
2009 - 2021
Full-time assistant professor (tenured) - Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
Systemic Change research group (2018 - 2021)
Designing Quality in Interaction research group (2009 - 2017)
Founder and responsible for the DataLab of ID@TU/e (2019-2021) - The DataLab supports the creation of innovative and exploratory forms of interacting with data Transforming Practices (TP) educational project group leader (2018-2021) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and industrial activities at the department of industrial design, on the topic of transformative practices Member of the ICT committee of TU/e.ID (2016-2021) - This committee leads the ICT development of the department, in collaboration with the central ICT services of the university Vitality educational project group leader (2016-2018) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and industrial activites at the department of industrial design, on the topic of mental, physical and contextual vitality and wellbeing Fellowship at Paris, France (2016-2018) - fellows contribute to the development of activities at Paris, and provide learning module to students and partners in the scope of their specialty Education coordinator of TU/e.ID (2015-2016) - The 4 education coordinators of the department overview the structure of the pedagogical content and ensure the distribution of educational activities in the faculty in-Transportation interaction [iTi] educational project group leader (2015-2016) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and industrial activities at the department of industrial design, on the topic of transportation (mostly automotive) interaction Visiting researcher at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan (2013-2014) Wearable Senses educational project group leader (2011-2014) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and administrative duties related to activities on intelligent textiles and ‘close to the body’ Member of Board of Examiners at TU/e.ID, vice-chair in 2013-2015 (2010-2015) - The Board of Examiners of Industrial Design is responsible for the quality of the assessment system in both the Bachelor’s program and the Master’s program
2008 - 2009
Researcher/Lecturer - Chiba University, Japan
2006 - 2008
Post-doctor researcher - University of Tsukuba, Japan
2000 - 2002
R&D Engineer/Designer, Responsible for R&D at the Japanese office - Decathlon in Japan (became Oxylane), Japan
1999 - 2000
Maintenance Technician - Éridania Béghin-Say (became Thereos), France


Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - Compiegne University Technology (UTC), France
Section 71 - Information and Communication Sciences
University Teaching Qualification - BKO - Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
Dutch diploma for university teaching
Doctorate in Kansei Science - University of Tsukuba, Japan
Award of the best dissertation (highest distinction delivered by the doctoral school)
Master in Mechanical Engineering, speciality in Industrial Design - Compiegne University Technology (UTC), France


Habilitation à diriger des recherches
Le temps de l’expérience, enchanter le quotidien par le design
École Doctorale de l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Annie Gentes, Telecom ParisTech - HDR, Garante
Françoise Paquienséguy (President, examiner) - Sciences Po Lyon, Professor Anne Beyaert-Geslin (Examiner) - Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, Professor Olivier Gapenne (Rapporteur) - Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Professor Annie Gentes (Garante) - Telecom ParisTech, HDR Emmanuel Mahé (Rapporteur) - École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, HDR Manuel Zacklad (Rapporteur) - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Professor
Design interdisciplinaire pour le cyberespace, par une approche en Kansei Information - Méthode et conception d’un outil de communication pour groupe de travail (Interdisciplinary Design for the Cyberespace by an Approach in Kansei Information - Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design)
Laboratory of Kansei Information Design, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Toshimasa YAMANAKA, University of Tsukuba - Professor, Supervisor
Toshihiro HANAZATO (President, examiner) - University of Tsukuba, Professor Toshiharu OMUKA (Examiner) - University of Tsukuba, Professor Miyuki YAMAMOTO (Examiner) - University of Tsukuba, Doctor Hiroya IGARASHI (Examiner) - University of Tsukuba, Doctor

Ph.D promotions

Since 2021
Thesis director of César Harada Jung
Conception et Innovation des labos marin par l'open-science
Since 2020
Co-promotor (@TU/e) of Maarten Smith
Philosophy-Design correspondance
Since 2020
Co-promotor (@TU/e) of Sander van der Zwan
Design-Philosophy correspondance
Co-promotor of Véronique Hillen
People Place Process – A self-reflection tool to become a professional in design thinking, based on Pedagogical Action Research
Co-promotor of Carl Megens
Experiential Design Landscapes - How to design for behaviour change, towards an active lifestyle (double thèse avec Michel Peeters)
Co-promotor of Michel Peeters
Experiential Design Landscapes - How to design for behaviour change, towards an active lifestyle (double thèse avec Carl Megens)
Daily supervisor of Eva Deckers | promotion CUM LAUDE
Perceptive qualities in systems of Interactive products
Co-promotor of Ambra Trotto
Rights through making - skills for pervasive ethics

Ph.D promotions (past et on-going)

Since 2024
Garant of Gwenaëlle Bertrand
Design et industries, autrement - Contribution aux modes de savoir propres au design

Doctoral thesis jury

Membre of the doctoral defence of Daniele Arets - Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands (in English)
Save the debate through adversarial design
Rapporteur and President of the jury of the doctoral defence of Laurent Mertz - Institut Polytechnique de Paris / Telecom Paris, France (in French)
Représenter l'utilisateur et son expérience : conditions de production et d'évolution de documents dans un projet design
President of the jury of the doctoral defence of Diane Beaulieu - École doctorale Abbé Grégoire, Hésam Université, France (in French)
Anticipation par le design. Contributions de l’approche design et de la conception de dispositifs de médiation à la prospective — une approche pour favoriser l’engagement des acteurs vers des futurs souhaitables
Membre of the doctoral defence of Dominique Deuff - Nantes Université, France (in French)
Vivre ensemble avec les objets à comportements. Une approche pluridisciplinaire pour questionner, modéliser et proposer une nouvelle écologie pour les jeunes retraités
President of the jury of the doctoral defence of Dorian Reunkrilerk - Telecom Paris / Strate, France (in French)
LA FORCE DU SIGNE FAIBLE. Rôle des médias pour lintégration du design au sein des organisations : une contribution sémio-pragmatique de la médiation au design
President of the jury of the doctoral defence of Niklas Henke - Université Grenoble Alpes, France (in French)
La corporéité des affects selon le design dans les projets d'innovation : approche critique, analyse des pratiques et perspectives
Membre and rapporteur of the doctoral defence of Renaud Mignerey - Compiègne University of Technology, France (in French)
Designer Les interactions humain-monde pour susciter des emotions positives / Application à l'automobile
Rapporteur of the 90% seminar of Jeroen Peeters - University of Umeå, Sweden (in English)
Perpetual perspectives: on designing for aesthetic engagement
Le séminaire doctoral 90 % est une évaluation du travail doctoral effectuée avant la finalisation du travail doctoral, visant à mettre en exergue les points qui restent à développer ou à parfaire avant la soumission de la thèse
Membre of the doctoral defence of Xiao Chen - École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT - Textile Engineering Institute), Roubaix, France (in French)
Contrôle et optimisation de la perception humaine sur les vêtements virtuels par évaluation sensorielle et apprentissage de données expérimentales
Membre of the doctoral defence of Oluwafemi Samuel Adelabu Gabrielle - University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan (in English)
An Investigation into the Cross-Cultural Differences of Aesthetic Value Cognition and Visio-Semantic Evaluation of Product Designs, Focus on Japan and Nigeria
Membre of the doctoral defence of Gabrielle Le Bihan - Compiègne University of Technology, France (in French)
Design d’interaction pour un “contact” à distance : suppléance perceptive du toucher et médiatisation de l’attente conjointe
Membre of the doctoral defence of Zhebin Xue - École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles (ENSAIT - Textile Engineering Institute), Roubaix, France (in English)
Study on relations between visual and haptic perceptions of textile products


Pedagogical responsabilities

Since 2021
Master Design (MR150) - CNAM
Double domain in Science, Technology, Health & Arts, Literature, Languages
Since 2021
Master Design, specialty Création, projets, transdisciplinarité (MR15001A) - CNAM - in français
Since 2022
Responsabilité de la spécialité Arts, Design et Société du doctorat Sciences humaines et humanités nouvelles (DOC7200A) - École doctorale Abbé Grégoire (ED 546), CNAM - in français

Bachelor courses

2019 - 2021
Perspectives on Aesthetics - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2016 - 2021
Design for Debate - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2015 - 2019
From Idea to Design - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2015 - 2016
Designing for the Here and the Now 2 - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2013 - 2017
Designing for the Here and the Now - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2009 - 2012
Kansei Design: exploring values in experience - TU/e, The Netherlands - 3ects, in English
2009 - 2012
A Voyage, provoking a cultural clash to inspire design - TU/e, The Netherlands - 3ects, in English

Master courses

Since 2021
Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information (M1) - CNAM - 4ects, in français
2019 - 2021
Matter of Transformation - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2019 - 2021
Design for social innovation - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2014 - 2016
Designing (for) rituals - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2011 - 2016
Designing Quality in Interaction (DQI) Theory - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2011 - 2011
Glow festival workshop - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2009 - 2016
Sensual dynamics - TU/e, The Netherlands - 5ects, in English
2008 - 2009
Service Product Design - Chiba University, Japan - in Japanese
2007 - 2008
Product design methods - University of Tsukuba, Japan - in Japanese

Doctoral courses

2006 - 2006
Prospective Psychophysiological Approach for Kansei Design - University of Tsukuba, Japan - in English

Continuing education

Since 2022
Pratiques réflexives en design, art et création - CNAM - 4ects, in French
2022 -
Research practices in design, art and creation - CNAM - 4ects, in French
2021 - 2023
Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information (RNCP) - CNAM - 4ects, in French

Project coaching

Since 2023
Projects for the international Master in Sciences, technologies, health - Telecommunications and Networks (MR14602A) - CNAM - 4ects, in English
2011 - 2017
Design thinking project coaching for ME310 - École des Ponts ParisTech and Paris, France - in French and English
2009 - 2021
Design project coaching - TU/e, The Netherlands - 15~45ects, in English

Financed projects

2024 - 2030
Institute for circular transfabrication (TranFabriC) - Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), France
(Financed project) Institut de la transfabrication circulaire embodies the ambition of the Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers to support the development of social and civic practices for the emergence of a social, solidarity-based and circular economy (ESSC). The aim is to create an operating eco-system, training courses and a research program, together capable of bringing about the emergence of an ESSC in line with the Cnam's historic missions.
2023 - 2023
Creation of a shared fablab - Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), France
(Financed project) Fablab shared by the Chair of Design Jean Prouvé and the Cnam's shared workshop, funded by a non-earmarked teaching grant.
2020 - 2021
Rijkswaterstaat expedition 2050 - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) Échafauder une imagination partagée par le biais du design pour faciliter les discussions avec un échantillon représentatif de la population néerlandaise sur l'avenir des Pays-Bas
2019 - 2021
DataLab - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) Création d’un écosystème dans BrainPort pour l'innovation et la création d'entreprises dans le domaine du sport et de la vitalité
2019 - 2020
BOOST! - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) Innovation project: Towards reaching visions 2030: a step-by-step Transformative practices for social inclusion
2019 - 2021
VASE - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) développer et améliorer les ressources pédagogiques et la pratique du 'design par les valeurs' dans l'enseignement supérieur
2018 - 2021
NRO Cornenius Senior Fellow 2018 - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project)
2018 - 2021
Vitality Living - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) Création d’un écosystème dans BrainPort pour l'innovation et la création d'entreprises dans le domaine du sport et de la vitalité
2017 - 2019
NWA JOIN programme for Social Resilience - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) Projet: EDL’s - co-creating communities of trust
2017 - 2019
Vitality Workshop - NL/JP - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project)
2017 - 2018
Krajicek Foundation – social playgrounds - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project)
2017 - 2021
Brabantse Alliance Learning Approach (BAL) for Social Resilience - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
2017 - 2020
Projet Strengthening Social Resilience pour la région Noord-Brabant - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) En collaboration avec PON, ZET – learning environment for policy makers in different European countries
2015 - 2019
Triangulum - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) Citizen participation for the installation of renewable and sustainable energy
2015 - 2019
Impuls-2 for the Healthcare Flagship - Topic Advanced Peri-Operative Monitoring - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
(Financed project) #2.2.6. Peri-operative patient engagement and support
2012 - 2014
Projects with Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan) and Toyota Motor Europe (Belgium) - Eindhoven University of Technologie (TU/e), the Netherlands
Projets sous confidentialité
2005 - 2006
Aide à la recherche pour étudiants du 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE), Ministère de l'Éducation, de la Culture, des Sports, de la Science and des Technologies - University of Tsukuba, Japan
2002 - 2006
Bourse du Monbukagakusho (Ministère de l'Éducation, de la Culture, des Sports, de la Science and des Technologies) - University of Tsukuba, Japan

Academic and Design awards

Best Paper Award, The 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016)
Felix Ros (coached by Pierre Lévy), student winner of the Interaction Award, Core77 Design Awards
Reviewers’ favorite, International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2011, Delft, The Netherlands
Best Degree Dissertation Award, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan


Journal papers (13)

Wada, K. , van Renswouw, L. , Levy, P. , Wallner, G. & Vos, S.B. (2021). Studying Requirements from Multiple Actors on Vitality Data Platform through the Lens of Socio-technical Systems. International Journal of Affective Engineering. 20(4).
Berger, E. & Levy, P. (2021). Je, nous, ils·elles: Le·la designer, ses collectifs et les écosystèmes de conception. In E., Berger & P., Levy (Eds.), Sciences du Design. 13(1). Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
Neutelings, I. , Levy, P. , Djajadiningrat, T. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2017). Enhancing co-responsibility for patient engagement. The Design Journal. 20(sup1).
Levy, P. (2014). Impact of perception theories on kansei design. Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering. 13(1).
Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2013). Matter of Transformation: Designing an Alternative Tomorrow Inspired by Phenomenology. Interactions. 20(6).
Levy, P. (2013). Beyond kansei engineering: the emancipation of kansei design. International Journal of Design. 7(2).
Deckers, E.J.L. , Levy, P. , Wensveen, S. , Ahn, R. & Overbeeke, K. (2012). Designing for perceptual crossing: applying and evaluating design notions. International Journal of Design. 6(3).
Levy, P. , Kim, D. , Tsai, T.J. , Lee, S.H. & Yamanaka, T. (2012). Involving psychophysiological knowledge in Kansei design. International Journal of Design Engineering. 5(2).
Yamanaka, T. & Levy, P. (2010). 感性価値の高い化粧品開発にむけた手法と考え方 感性認知脳科学的視点から考える感性価値創造 [Kansei Science and Kansei Value Creation through Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences]. Cosmetic Stage. 4(33).
Tomico, O. , Karapanos, E. , Levy, P. , Mizutani, N. & Yamanaka, T. (2009). The Repertory Grid Technique as a Method for the Study of Cultural Differences. International Journal of Design. 3(3).
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2009). Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Study Keywords. Kansei Engineering International. 8(2).
Kowatari, Y. , Lee, S.H. , Yamamura, H. , Nagamori, Y. , Levy, P. , Yamane, S. & Yamamoto, M. (2009). Neural networks involved in artistic creativity. Human Brain Mapping. 30(5).
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). Interdisciplinary workgroup methodology based on Intuition – Application to a communication tool design based on Kansei information approach. Kansei Engineering International. 5(4).

Conference papers (50)

Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2023). ProVi – a transforming vision emerging from reflective practice. In D., De Sainz , L., Galluzzo & D., Spallazzo (Eds.), the Proceedings of 10th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design (online). Milan, Italy: School of Design, Politecnico di Milano.
Levy, P. (2022). Complex Thinking for Kansei Studies - For an epistemological shift of the field. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2022 - KEER2022 (online). Barcelona, Spain: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2021). Education as a transforming practice: designing together for complex, sustainable living. In the Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2021 Symposium, RSD10. Delft, The Netherlands ([on CD]). Delft, The Netherlands.
Smith, M. , van der Zwan, S. , Bruineberg, J.P. , Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2017). Scaffolding shared imagination with tangible design. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI21 Salzburg, Austria: ACM.
Levy, P. (2020). Artefactual emptiness - On appropriation in kansei design. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2020 - KEER2020 (online). Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Wada, K. , van Renswouw, L. , Wallner, G. , Levy, P. & Vos, S.B. (2020). Studying requirements for designing a vitality data sharing platform from a multi-stakeholder perspective. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2020 - KEER2020 (online). Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
van der Zwan, S. , Smith, M. , Bruineberg, J.P. , Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2020). Philosophy at Work - Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice. In the Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2020, DRS2020 (online). Sydney, Australia: Design Research Society.
van den Heuvel, R. , Levy, P. , Vos, S.B. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2020). Exploring Public Playgrounds through a Data-Enabled Design Approach. In Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS2020 (pp. 1-6). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Nieuweboer, I. , Damen, I. , Brombacher, H. , Levy, P. , Vos, S.B. & Lallemand, C. (2020). The Office Jungle: A Vision for Wildness to Turn Offices into Jungles. In Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS2020 (pp. 341-344). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Levy, P. (2019). Designing for the everyday through thusness and irregularity. In the Proceedings of 8th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2019 (online). Manchester, UK: Manchester Metropolitan University.
Muller, D.A. & Levy, P. (2019). A Design Approach towards Affording the Trend of Privacy. In Design Interactive Systems Conference, DIS19 (pp. 259-263). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Levy, P. (2018). The beauty of making hot chocolate – an inquiry on designing for everyday rituals. In Design Research Society 2018, DRS2018 (online). Limerick, Ireland: Design Research Society.
Marjanovic, M. A. , van den Heuvel, R. , Megens, C. J. P. G. , Levy, P. & Vos, S.B. (2008). Analysis of the design and engineering-process towards a first prototype in the field of sports and vitality. In the Proceedings of 12th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, 6(2) (pp. 297-302). Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
Dassen, W. , Wensveen, S. & Levy, P. (2017). Light Behavior Design: Violation of Unification Principles and the Effect on the User Experience. In Design Interactive Systems Conference, DIS17 (pp. 259-263). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Levy, P. & Yamada, S. (2017). 3D-modeling and 3D-printing explorations on Japanese tea ceremony utensils. In the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions - TEI17 Yokohama, Japan: ACM.
Levy, P. & Hengeveld, B.J. (2016). What matters for ritual visualization – Towards a design tool for the description and the composition of rituals. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2016 - KEER2016 (online). Leeds, UK: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Kennedy, R. & Levy, P. (2016). Reinventing the (steering) wheel – A kansei design approach for novel driving experience. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2016 - KEER2016 (online). Leeds, UK: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Levy, P. (2015). Exploring the challenge of designing rituals. In V., Popovic , A., Blackler & B., Kraal (Eds.), the Proceedings of 6th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2015 (online). Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.
Duel, T. & Levy, P. (2015). The Chatter Door, designing for in-between spaces. In V., Popovic , A., Blackler & B., Kraal (Eds.), the Proceedings of 6th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2015 (online). Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.
Levy, P. (2014). Perception Theories and Kansei Design. In P., Levy , S., Schütte & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014 - KEER14 (pp. 287-297). Linköping, Sweden: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Kint, J. , Klooster, S. & Levy, P. (2014). Rite de transition – a design choreographic exploration of cultural value exchange, through development of intercultural ritual artefacts. In P., Levy , S., Schütte & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014 - KEER14 (pp. 1115-1125). Linköping, Sweden: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Levy, P. (2013). Exploring constituents for kansei design, towards a framework. In the Proceedings of 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2013 (pp. 148-159). Tokyo, Japan: Shibaura University of Technology.
Hillen, V. & Levy, P. (2013). People, Place, Process: Lessons Learnt on the Path to a In U., Lindemann , S., V , Y.S., Kim , S.W., Lee , J., Clarkson & G., Cascini (Eds.), the Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design 2013, ICED13 ([on CD]). Seoul, Korea: The Design Society.
Deckers, E.J.L. , Wensveen, S. , Levy, P. & Ahn, R. (2013). Designing for Perceptual Crossing: designing and comparing three behaviors. In the Proceedings of SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI'13 (pp. 1901-1910). Paris, France: ACM.
Deckers, E.J.L. & Levy, P. (2012). Designing for perceptive qualities: 7 showcases. In the Proceedings of Design Interactive Systems Conference, DIS12 (pp. 496-505). Newcastle, UK: ACM.
Levy, P. , Deckers, E.J.L. & Restrepo Cruz, M. (2012). When Movement Invites to Experience: a Kansei Design Exploration on Senses' Qualities. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2012 - KEER12 ([on CD]). Penghu, Taiwan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2012). Developing a design approach, exploring resistance and ambiguity. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2012 - KEER12 ([on CD]). Penghu, Taiwan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Levy, P. , Kuenen, S. , Overbeeke, K. , Uchiyama, T. & Yamanaka, T. (2011). Ohlala: Exploring the Relation between Content Completeness and Emotional Experience. In N., Roozenburg , L.L., Chen & P.J., Stappers (Eds.), the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research 2011, IASDR11 ([on CD]). Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
Levy, P. , Wijnen, J. , Hummels, C.C.M. & Vinke, A.A. (2011). Luciole, lighting up the design process. In P., Marti , A., Soro , L., Gamberini & S., Bagnara (Eds.), the Proceedings of 9th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Facing Complexity - CHItaly (pp. 103-107). Alghero, Italy: ACM.
Levy, P. , Hummels, C.C.M. & Vinke, A.A. (2011). Bringing Forth Constructivist Education Assessment: A Frame of Reference to Inspire and to Support Design Education. In the Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices ([on CD]). Rome, Italy: CGPublisher.
Tsai, T.J. , Levy, P. , Ono, K. & Watanabe, M. (2010). Developing sensory functions: transfer human senses from contextual perception. In P., Levy , C., Bouchard , A., Aoussat & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010 - KEER2010 (pp. 304-313). Paris, France: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Levy, P. & Watanabe, M. (2009). Prospective psychophysiological approach for Kansei design: knowledge sharing between psychophysiology and design. In the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2009 - IASDR09 ([on CD]). Seoul, Korea: Korean Society of Design Science.
Levy, P. , Kim, D. , Tsai, T.J. , Lee, S.H. & Yamanaka, T. (2009). Colourful Rain – Experiencing Synaesthesia. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces - DPPI09 (online). Compiègne, France.
Levy, P. , Yamanaka, T. & Tomico, O. (2009). Methods and Means for Kansei Design. In ErgoDesign2009 (online). Lyon, France.
Levy, P. & Wakabayashi, N. (2008). User's appreciation of engagement in service design: The case of food service design. In the Proceedings of International Service Innovation Design Conference 2008 - ISIDC08 ([on CD]). Busan, Korea: Japanese Society for the Science of Design.
Tsai, T.J. , Levy, P. , Ono, K. & Watanabe, M. (2008). An Approach on Functional Analysis in Developing Guideline for Designing Service-embedded Product. In the Proceedings of International Service Innovation Design Conference 2008 - ISIDC08 ([on CD]). Busan, Korea: Japanese Society for the Science of Design.
Ono, K. , Levy, P. , Ishizuka, A. , Hachima, S. & Watanabe, M. (2008). Development of Competences for Service Design. In the Proceedings of International Service Innovation Design Conference 2008 - ISIDC08 ([on CD]). Busan, Korea: Japanese Society for the Science of Design.
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Designing based on the evoked metaphor - Case study. In N., Bojcetic (Eds.), the Proceedings of 10th International Design Conference 2008 (pp. 1095-1104). Dubrovnik, Croatia: Design Society.
Tomico, O. , Mizutani, N. , Levy, P. , Takahiro, Y. & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Kansei physiological measurements and contructivist psychological explorations for approaching user subjective experience during and after product usage. In D., Marjanovic , M., Storga , N., Pavkovic & N., Bojcetic (Eds.), the Proceedings of 10th International Design Conference 2008 (pp. 529-536). Dubrovnik, Croatia: Design Society.
Levy, P. , Nakamori, S. & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Explaining kansei design studies. In P.M.A., Desmet , P., Tsvetanova , P., Hekkert & L., Justice (Eds.), the Proceedings of Design and Emotion Conference 2008 - D&E08 (online). Hong-Kong: School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Yamanaka, T. , Tomico, O. , Mizutani, N. , Yokoi, T. , Cho, Y. & Levy, P. (2008). Kansei-Physiological Measurements and Constructivist – Psychological Explorations for Approaching User's Subjective Experience during and after the Product Use. In the Proceedings of International Symposium on Emotion and Sensitivity 2008 - ISES08 ([on CD]). Daejeon, Korea: Korean Society of Design Science.
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2007). Interdisciplinary Design Method for EcoDesign – Introducing Kansei research for design to EcoDesign. In the Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing - EcoDesign2007 ([on CD]). Tokyo, Japan: IEEE.
Levy, P. , Lee, S.H. & Yamanaka, T. (2007). On Kansei and Kansei Design: a Description of a Japanese Design Approach. In the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2007 - IASDR07 ([on CD]). Hong-Kong: School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Levy, P. , Yamanaka, T. , Liu, W. & Igarashi, H. (2007). Creating an Evoked Metaphor for Kansei Design. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research - KEER07 ([on CD]). Sapporo, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). Towards a definition of Kansei. In the Proceedings of 2006 Design Research Society International Conference, Wonderground 2006 ([on CD]). Lisbon, Portugal.
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). MATiK – CMC design by Kansei Information approach. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Intelligent Systems - KEIS'06 ([on CD]). Aizu, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). Kansei information approach for an interdisciplinary design method proposal based on intuition. In D., Marjanovic (Eds.), the Proceedings of 9th International Design Conference 2006 (pp. 1475-1482). Dubrovnik, Croatia: Design Society.
Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2004). Introducing MATiK service – Proposition for a new IT communication system through an approach in Kansei. In the Proceedings of 2004 Design Research Society International Conference - Futureground 2004 ([on CD]). Melbourne, Australia: Monash University.
Sanabria, J.C. , Levy, P. & Lee, S.H. (2003). Illustrative Industrial Interactions Through Kansei – Towards a dynamic reflection of Kansei in the Marketing/Design/Engineering relationship. In H., Aoki (Eds.), the Proceedings of 6th Asian Design International Conference - 6thADC ([on CD]). Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba.

Books (1)

Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. , Levy, P. , Peeters, J.P.A. , van der Veen, R. , Yoo, D. , Johansson, M. , Smith, M. & van der Zwan, S. (2021). Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys. Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

Book chapter (5)

Levy, P. (2023). Sketching Kansei Studies as a Complex Unit. In S., Fukuda (Eds.), Emotional Engineering, Vol. 9 (pp. 67-77). Cham: Springer.
Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. , Peeters, J.P.A. , Yoo, D. & Levy, P. (2022). From the Station of Being to Societal Transformation: How design can drive a new European Renaissance. The Next Renaissance - Culture and Creativity shaping Europe Paris, France: Odile Jacob. ISBN: 978-2-4150-0199-5.
Hummels, C.C.M. , Trotto, P. , Peeters, J.P.A. , Levy, P. , Alves Lino, J. & Klooster, S. (2019). Design research and innovation framework for transformative practices. Strategy for change (pp. 52-76). Glasgow, UK: Glasgow Caledonian University. ISBN: 978-972-789-482-6.
Terken, J. , Levy, P. , Wang, C. , Karjanto, J. , Yusof, N.M. , Ros, F. & Zwaan, S. (2016). Gesture-Based and Haptic Interfaces for Connected and Autonomous Driving. In I.L., Nunes (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions, Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and System Interactions, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA (pp. 107-115). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Levy, P. , Yamanaka, T. & Tomico, O. (2011). Psychophysiological Applications in Kansei Design. In Y., Dai , B., Chakraborty & M., Shi (Eds.), Kansei Engineering and Soft Computing: Theory and Practice (pp. 266-286). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.

Edition (5)

Berger, E. & Levy, P. (Eds.). 2021. Sciences du Design: Expériences vécues de design. Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France. ISSN: 2428.
Lokman, A.M. , Yamanaka, T. , Levy, P. , Chen, J.C. & Koyama, S. (Eds.). 2018. the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018 – KEER2018. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering. ISBN: 978-981-10-8612-0.
Marti, P. , Frens, J. , Hengeveld, B. & Levy, P. (Eds.). 2016. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), special issue: On Making. ISSN: 1826-9745.
Levy, P. , Bouchard, C. , Aoussat, A. & Yamanaka, T. (Eds.). 2010. The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010 – KEER2010. Paris, France: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering. ISBN: 978-4-9905104-0-4.
Levy, P. , Schütte, S. & Yamanaka, T. (Eds.). 2014. The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014 – KEER2014. Linköping, Sweden: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

Dissertations (4)

Levy, P. (2018). Le temps de l'expérience, Enchanter le quotidien par le design. Compiègne, France: Compiègne University of Technology.
Levy, P. (2013). Portfolio for the University Teaching Qualification (BKO). Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Levy, P. (2006). Interdisciplinary design for the cyberspace by an approach in kansei information – Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design Approach in Kansei. Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba.
Levy, P. (2002). Design industriel et interdisciplinarité – Méthode et outil d'intégration de l'interdisciplinarité dans la formation pédagogique initiale du design industriel. Compiègne, France: Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

Reports (1)

Levy, P. (2009). Introducing research activities: Knowledge Sharing and Creativity with Kansei Design. Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering. 8(2).